Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were the most important and influential Americans in the
20th Century; their courage and creativity helped America overcome the Great Depression, and without their inspiring leadership,
Hitler would have won WW2. The Roosevelts were Hudson Valley natives -- they lived in Dutchess County. FDR was paralyzed
by polio on 8-10-1921 (when he was 39 years old!); with Eleanor's help he overcame his disability. Although he never
walked unassisted post-polio, FDR could drive, using hand controls he designed, which gave him the confidence to get back
into politics. That's why we think that the new Tappan Zee Bridge, which is the gateway to the Hudson Valley, should
be renamed the "Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Tappan Zee Bridge." Please support A.3098, sponsored by NYS
Assembly-member Ellen Jaffee (D-Rockland County) to name the new TZ Bridge the FRANKLIN AND ELEANOR ROOSEVELT BRIDGE. The NYS Senate (on 6-21-2017) passed a bill to name the new TZ Bridge after Mario Cuomo; we oppose
that legislation and propose that NYC rename the Brooklyn Bridge the MARIO
CUOMO BROOKLYN BRIDGE, instead. CLICK HERE to sign our petition for NYS to name
the new TZ Bridge the FRANKLIN AND ELEANOR ROOSEVELT BRIDGE, and for NYC to rename the Brooklyn Bridge the MARIO CUOMO BROOKLYN